dinsdag 31 januari 2017

Brick Mania Liege location

I`m happy to present to you all the pictures of the venue where Brick Mania Liege 2017 will be held.

The venue, located in Bressoux near Liege, sports a large public parking space as well as a private one for the exhibitors.  It also has a lovely omnisport hall for the event and a cafetaria with a good taste in soccer team publicity ;-)

Here is the french explanation by one of the organisers of the event, Michel Vandamme, and the pictures of the venue:

Les amis, 

Voici des photos du Hall de Bressoux.

Aussi important, il y a un grand parking pour les visiteurs et aussi il va y avoir un parking privé pour les exposants dans l'école qui est juste à côté du hall.

Mais ce parking sera que pour les exposants.

Aussi nous allons avoir une petite salle pour les activités des enfants.

Autrement le hall pour exposer fait 45 M x 27 M

La photo 4 c'est la cafétéria.



zaterdag 28 januari 2017

News from the Board episode 5

Hello fellow BeLUG members and other sympathisers of our LEGO club.  Here I am again with a new batch of information to share with you, after some talks with our board members.

Let's start with some shout outs for BeLUG, as the club is looking for YOU!  Yes, you there behind the screen, reading this page.

General Assembly

You see, we need you for either one of two things.  First, the General Assembly is nearly upon us, and in order to help our caterer a little, a Poll has been started on our Facebook group to see who is planning to drop by.  Nothing fancy, but we do need to have an idea on how many sandwiches our minifigs have to prepare of course.
So head over to the group and let us know by a simple click if you are planning to come!

Brick Mania Wetteren

Secondly, there is only a week left to register for Brick Mania Wetteren, so check your mailboxes and if you plan on coming to exhibit or attend as a volunteer, don`t forget to send in the form!!!
Also, in that mail there is a shout-out towards everyone to build an easter egg for the event, and the instructions can be found on this blog now as well in case you wouldn`t find the mail again when you are going to build it.  Just check the "Club Projects" tab on this blog.

Co-workers wanted!

And then there is point number 3... and that is the big one.  BeLUG is looking for people to reinforce their "labour force ranks" in 2017.  We are looking for a few brave people to step up to the challenge and help in the production of "content" for the Flash, and in lesser degree the other social media venues.

We are also looking for someone (or sometwo) who is willing and able to translate all our dutch texts to french and vice versa.  Now the main requirement is being 'bi-lingual' as Google Translate clearly isn`t.  The second requirement is willing to play short on the ball, so no weeks time to go over translations.
The fact is, BeLUG keeps growing in the french languaged part of Belgium, and of course we want to accomodate those members as good as we can.  So that means being able to send out all communications preferably in peopl's mother language instead of the necessary english at times to stay "neutral".

The same goes of course for event reports.  I had the luck some people send in nicely documented reports of events in 2016 which I couldn`t personally attend, but of course I can not be everywhere, even if I try to.  So for 2017 we are looking for people who want to keep playing "reporter" and send us a small article and some pictures (of course, the more the merrier, both in volunteers as in amount) to keep offering up event reports!

Because not only does that provide eye candy to those that didn`t go, it might also convince them to attend future editions of those events, so it's a win-win situation.

And that brings us nicely to the next point

AFOLs Carolo

Pulled by some of our walloon members, a meeting will be held in the Charleroi region.  Taking place at the 18th of March in Ragnies, I will be sharing more information about this event soon, and add it to the Agenda tab in a moment.

The Time has Travelled

Another headliner of sorts, is that the Time Traveller club layout has ended after running for almost 2 years.  Initially launched by Maxim I., this has been a great succes and we had a nice selection of builds from various participants.
Starting from Brick Mania Wetteren in all probability, we are going to run a new project, being the Micropolis.  I am going to post the "build rules" and more details hopefully during the coming week!

Well, that`s quite the hefty update for this edition of the News column, and until the next time! 

dinsdag 24 januari 2017

Invitation for a LEGO event in Chaulnes (FR)

Hello everyone,

Today, we received an invitation to join in a LEGO event in the village of Chaulnes, in the Somme region of France.

Registration runs until the 15th or march, and the actual event takes place on the 8th and 9th of april 2017.

Now, the mail is in french and I`ll copy it here, but basically, if you are intrested, you can send an inquiry for more details to William Van Dijk at the e-mail adress: wvandijk80@sfr.fr

Bonjour à vous!

La ville de Chaulnes ( Située dans la Somme en France) organise une exposition Lego le 08 et 09 avril 2017.
Toutes les personnes interessées pour exposer sont invitées à me contacter par mail pour connaître les détails de l'organisation.
La cloture des inscription se fera au maximum le 15/03/2017.



maandag 23 januari 2017

Brick Mania Wetteren 2017 easter Egg instructions

Yesterday, the mail to register for participating in Brick Mania Wetteren 2017 was send out, and as you might have seen, the team there is running a special event for it taking place on Easter weekend.

Which also reminds me, if you as a member didn`t receive the e-mail, contact BeLUG at contact@belug.be for this.

Now, the event consists of the organisers asking everyone to build an Easter egg for the event, and these will be displayed all together during the weekend.  The instructions for an egg are included with the mail (there is a link leading you to them).  This is NOT a requirement, you can build one as you like, but it might be a good starting point.

So I did a little chat with Steven this morning, the "head honcho" for the event, and we are placing the instructions on the blog as well.  I`m placing them under the Club Projects tab to easily find them again, because we all know, between now and the easter weekend, I`ll be one of those who can`t seem to find that link again ;-)

That way, there is an easy manner to retrieve the plans, I converted them from PDF to JPEG for easiness sake, so with two simple right click, save picture as... you can put them on your hard drives and start building :-)

donderdag 19 januari 2017

The BeLUG Fleece!

Remember Jason and his Argonauts, daring wild seas, stone giants and terrible monsters to reach the Golden Fleece?  Do you imagine how we would endeavour on such an arduous journey of epic proportions???

(image from the proposed Jason and the Argonauts IDEAS project)

Okay, me neither...

So we do it the easier way, by creating a Google form and letting YOU decide how the fleece will look.

The form can be found HERE

As you can see, it also has an "other" option field, so whatever you can imagine or might want to have on it, put it there.  That way, the people responsible for the vestimentary side of BeLUG can form an idea of what it is you are after.

So make sure to take a look at the form and send in your feedback.  That way, we can face the freezing temperatures outside in style, BeLUG style!

maandag 16 januari 2017

News from the Board episode 4

Hello everyone, and here we are with some news from the board, and this time, it's all about Brick Mania!

There are some important updates about them, and let's start with an update on Brick Mania Antwerp.

This event has moved back one week, to the weekend of the 25th and 26th of november, instead of it's initial date of 18 and 19. I`ve also updated the calendar as such.

For those who have been asking about Brick Mania Liege recently, I can say that it WILL take place in 2017, but I can't give you the exact date for the moment.

Finally, some sad news must be shared as well, as Brick Mania Limburg will not be held during 2017 due to rennovations at the venue hall.

Well, that's it for a small newsflash, but expect me back in a few days with some other news of a totally different, but not less important, matter.

zondag 8 januari 2017

Stranger Things Eleven mosaic

I found the newest creation by our former BeLUG board member Hans Demol, or hd_lego as he is known on Flickr, on our BeLUG facebook page. 

This character from the 2016 Netflix original series Stranger Things has been lovely recreated.  Using a bit of red to give him a bloodied nose in the mosaic, makes that it adds some strong contrast to the whole picture.

A great piece of work, and it will be shown on Comic Con Brussels, taking place the end of february, in all it's glory.  So if you want to see it "for real", you know where to go!

zondag 1 januari 2017

News from the Board episode 3

First of all, let me use this first post of 2017 to wish you all a Happy New Year, and the new year shine favourably on all our members and their families.

And 2017 promises to be another great year filled with LEGO related activities, some of which you will already have read about in our monthly Flash last week.


For example, three Brick Mania Events have already been confirmed for 2017, with the first one taking traditionally place in Wetteren during the Easter weekend.

Apart from those, we will again be present at a lot of comic related conventions, and I can share already that we are confirmed for Comic Con Brussel (february), Ghent (july) and Antwerp (september), and we will plunge in a totally new sort of events with Elftopia (august), a cosplay event for Fantasy and Medieval only.  My Thorin Oakenshield costume lies ready! 

There is still some place for Brussels btw, just go here and follow those steps: Brussels registration

BeLUG is also participating at 3D World this year, check back on your Flash for the details about this one.

One Year On

Today it's also the moment that this little social media channel for BeLUG has been up and about for exactly one year (even though it had been longer in the "planning" stage), and it hasn`t done bad at all for a simple blog.

Average viewrates have been excellent, and the most popular pages that have been revisited are those that the blog was created for in the first place: the Club Projects page and the Agenda page.  These provided easily accessible, centralised places for both those thingies, and many viewers found their way to them as a reference material source.

Meet BeLUG was a succes as well, even though if people would love to see more episodes in the new year, it's about time they start sending in those questionnaires, as the pool for now has been exhausted.

That's about it for this episode, as there isn't much to say in this traditionally calm moment of the year, but expect more material in 2017 as we'll try to keep you all updated in the coming year of all lovely things LEGO!