Member Creations

Historical Builds

Brickius Maximus houdt de wacht tijdens Brick Tricks, door Tom De Bruyker en Kathy Sas

The BELUGA, a collabarative build for the Club Day workshop and Brick Mania Antwerpen

Star Wars

 Star Wars Ugly Spaceship door Giovanni Seynhaeve

TIE Flash door Tom Gilson
TIE/tb Torpedo Bomber by Jehan Snyers d'Attenhoven
Y-Wing Trench Run by Tom Vahaelen

Various Builds

Michel Verdonck's winning Quint Sangria competition entry
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds mosaic by Hans Demol
Herfst by Giovanni Seynhaeve


A great looking display incorporating all the packs for LEGO Dimensions Year One by Alban Dousset


Carnival Flush by Matthias Cornelis

Waltz Hardcore Bike by Fam Quintyn - Braekman

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