vrijdag 30 september 2016

Instructions: Toys R Us Micro Ghost

Well, it`s Force Friday today (until sunday, you get a First Order stormtrooper and triple VIP points with all Star Wars purchases btw). so today I' uploading a small free set of instructions.

These are from the US arm of Toys R Us, and part of a mini-build event back there that was in "honour" of the Rebels cartoon series.

Enjoy, and may the Force Live Long and Prosper Be With You

woensdag 28 september 2016

Ros Beiaard by Arne, aged 8

Not every MOC has to be super impressive or completely life-like as all the pieces of art we see passing by every day.

We all had to start somewhere, and I think it is only fitting that as a club blogpage, attention is paid to the creations of EVERY member of the club.

So today, Arne's parents posted his depiction of the Ros Beiaard, a folk tale from the Dendermonde region, on our Facebook page. 

Arne, only aged 8 years old, did a great job on his build of the story of the 4 children and their horse, making use of even the Nexo Knights figures to complete it.

Great work and keep it up!

Making kids smile

One of the "core duties" of a LUG is to carry out the LEGO values, and that is first and foremost to put a smile on the face of children.

Last week, a friend of mine contacted me with a small request for BeLUG.  Her son is currently in the "Reuzen D" kindergarten class of miss Stephanie, at the Andreas Vesalius school, Edegem.

The children there have a small LEGO corner in the classroom to be able to play with and deploy their creativity, but they lack minifigures, having borrowed two for now from another class.  So to that end, she asked if I perhaps could help them out with preferably 8 figures.

Now, of course this wasn`t a problem at all, and so I went to their little cosy classroom today in order to hand over some figures from my collection.  Now, I did avoid putting in "popular" figures to prevent class riots, so I just went for generic figures and pieces to put the minifigs together.

The kids loved it, and quickly the first figure was already "missing in action", after being transferred to the play corner while the teacher and the kids wanted to do a headcount, so there are only 7 on this picture.

I would say, mission accomplished...

dinsdag 27 september 2016

Herfst by Giovanni Seynhaeve

Inspired by Alphonse Mucha, Giovanni revealed his latest MOC earlier on our facebook page

Labelled Herfst (autumn) this makes use of some great colours and the use of the leaves is just awesome!


zondag 25 september 2016

BeLUG at the LEGO bouwdag KWB Assebroek

Yesterday, our effective member Peter Seynhaeve particpated in the Building Day event of the KWB Assebroek, nearby Bruges.

He also send in this lovely little report of the event (it`s in dutch), but this is an event with about 30 participants and 20.000 bricks.

But now, let me give the word to Peter:

Op zaterdag 24 september organiseerde de KWB afdeling Assebroek (bij Brugge) opnieuw een LEGO Party in OC Sint-Kristoffel.
Een 30-tal gegadigden schreven zich in en konden zich uitleven met 20.000 blokjes. Daarnaast was er op een televisiescherm ook een vertoning van LEGO animatiefilmpjes.
Kristof Claeys en Peter Seynhaeve melden zich bereid om enkele MOC’s te plaatsen en wat uitleg te geven over de diverse bouwtechnieken en het bestaan van onze club.
Kristof moest echter wegens werkomstandigheden forfait geven, dus nam Peter wat extra materiaal mee zodat er een aantal tafels konden gevuld worden met MOC’s.

Er was een bouwwedstrijd voor verschillende leeftijdscategoriën en enkele volwassen waren zeer geïnteresseerd in onze club. Ik kon zelfs een paar mensen overtuigen om eens tot in Antwerpen te komen kijken naar onze Brick Mania.
Kortom het was weer een gezellige namiddag die werd afgesloten met een lekkere pannenkoek. Afspraken werden gemaakt om ook volgend jaar eens langs te komen met één of ander “spectaculair” bouwwerk.

In de loop van het komende KWB werkjaar 2016-2017 komen we ongetwijfeld nog in een paar andere afdelingen op bezoek. Daar maken we alvast weer promotie voor onze hobby en club !

Meer informatie daarover kan je verkrijgen bij Peter Seynhaeve (mailtje naar het gekende contact-mailadres) of kijk regelmatig eens op ons BeLUG forum/Facebookpagina/Blog !

LEGO TRU Lumiere and Cogsworth instructions

Recently, Toys R Us in the United States ran a build event for the Disney Princesses theme, in which you could make your own Cogsworth and Lumiere figures.

Allen Tran from The Brickfan has made these available now for the people outside of the States who couldn`t participate, and here are the instructions and the part lists.



These two characters from Beauty and the Beast are 23 and 47 pieces builds, and the design for the face of Cogsworth is also included so you can print it out on a sticker paper.

donderdag 22 september 2016

Custom 501st Legion Clone Troopers by Jehan

One of our well known Star Wars builders, Jehan Snyers d'Attenhoven, also known on our forum as Veynom, has made some excellent customised Clone Troopers.

The 501st, which would become Vader's elite unit, is a crack legion of Clone Troopers.

Here you can see his whole explanation (in french) and pictures of his newest regiment.  I saw them "in the flesh" at our clubday, and I was seriously impressed by the quality.

Dans un registre totalement différent et nouveau pour moi, voici mes premières minifigs custom. Il s'agit de personnage tirés de la série Star Wars The Clone War, on l'occurence, des clones de la 501ème Légion.

De gauche à droite: Captain Rex, Sergeant Appo, Kix, Jesse, Dogma, Havoc, Echo.

Rex est la minifig classique de chez TLC avec des accessoires customs. Tous les autres ont des décalcomanies custom, des casques customs, des armes customs et des pauldrons customs. Admirez les variétés des torses

Les décals sur les bras apportent un véritable plus et certains bras sont différents (Appo, Kix).
Bon, je sais, pour Kix, le lgo médical n'est pas exactement le bon.

Une vue de dos pour voir que là aussi, il y a des différences.

Les 6 customs avec décalcomanies sur le torse, dos, les bras, et les genoux. Jesse a également des ceintures en décal.

Un gros plan sur Dogma:

Et puis un sur Kix:

Les Arc Troopers Havoc & Echo:

Et l'ensemble de ma 501ème à ce jour:

Pour info:
- les armes viennent de chez The Little Arms Shop
- les pauldrons (capes) viennent de chez Cape Madness
- les casques viennent de chez Clone Army Custom
- les décalcomanies sont fait maison. J'ai scanné une planche de stickers achetée sur eBay. Puis j'ai imprimé le scan sur des feuilles de décalcomanies vierges (difficile à trouver) transparentes. Ensuite, il a fallu vernir à la bombe, car au pinceau, cela fait couler l'encre. Pour la pose, on découpe finement, on met dans l'eau, on attend que le décal se détache de son support et on aplique sur le modèle. J'ai utilisé les produits Microscale pour bien faire adhérer sur les surfaces courbes (bras, jambes, bords). J'ai encore verni les minifigs pour que mon fils puissent y jouer.

J'ai appris énormément et il y a 2-3 erreur que je ne ferai plus. Je suis maintenant équipé pour en refaire un ou deux bataillons en plus.

Je suis fier du résultat ... mon armée progresse.

A vos commentaires ...

BeLUG Clubday Pirate Workshop

One of the workshops that was presented at our past clubday was "how to build Pirate ships". And here is a small part of the workshop.

This workshop was ran by some Eurobricks "illumini" like Stefan (the guy who build the Ideas flying dutchman), TitusV, Maxim I and Captain Greenhair.

You could see and ask about rigging, about the details for a curved front castle, and more as they progressed through the day building a frigate.

This ship will be ready at Brick Mania Antwerp's Pirate lay out to boot!

woensdag 21 september 2016

BeLUG Clubday GBC workshop

One of the activities at the recent clubday was a workshop about the GBC or Great Ball Contraption.

With the current world-record for most GBC modules being held by our well known Maico Arts, it was only fitting a workshop would be given about how to proceed into this lovely marvel of LEGO technology.

The first part of the workshop was a slideshow teaching about the history and such of GBC, of which you can see a small extract here.

People could also build their own module, which would then be installed into the "chain" during the workshop, a small overview can be seen on this little video.

While personally I didn`t get round to building one, I did enjoy the presentation a lot and it was very informative, I never knew it originated from a 100 year old cartoon for example...

Friendly meeting for LEGO enthousiasts

The team behind Brick Mania Liege is organising a friendly "meet and greet" like event on the 15th of october in Herstal (nearby Liege).

Here is the text Michel drafted:

Le samedi 15 octobre 2016 de 14h00 à 18h00 vous êtes invités pour participer à notre première réunion pour amateurs de Légo.
Vous ne devez pas nécessairement être membre du Club BeLug pour participer à cette petite réunion qui se veut conviviale, le bût rechercher et de pouvoir parler entre nous de notre passion.
Si vous connaissez dans votre entourage ou dans vos contacts des amateurs et bien ils sont eux aussi les bienvenus.

Ordre du jour :
- Rencontre amicale
- Discussions, trucs et astuces devant un bon verre.
- Echanges de figurines, de pièces ou sets Légo.
- Ventes pièces, figurines et sets Légo (mais attention il est souhaitable de pratiquer des prix d’amis et ne venez pas avec un coffre rempli)
Important, comme le local que la commune d’Herstal n’est pas extensible (+/- 40 personnes) j’aimerai savoir qui sera présent à notre petite réunion et aussi si vous souhaitez vendre pour pouvoir disposer de tables en suffisances.

Lieu :
Hall Omnisport ‘’ La Préalle ‘’
Rue Emille Muraille, 158
4040 Herstal

Amicalement, Christophe Hennes, Alain Stas, Michel Vandamme

Remerciements aux services des Sports de Herstal

The event will run from 14hrs until 18hrs, and includes amongst others the possibility to exchange minifigures, sets and LEGO parts, but please beware the goal is to either EXCHANGE or sell them for a friendly price.  This not a LEGO convention where you can drop by and sell off stacks and stacks of sets!!!

dinsdag 20 september 2016

Another video of the Clubday activities

More BeLUG Clubday pictures

Yesterday, one of the co-organisers of the clubday, Andy, has send me his pictures of the event past saturday.

For those we aren`t entirely sure who Andy is exactly, he ran both the brick tower building contest durng the day as well as the quiz in the evening.

So here they are, all of his lovely pictures: